Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Toys For Tots

  1. For this project we were asked to create a poster for Toys For Tots. We had to include a Christmas theme, toys and a marine out fit. We also had to include a description of who, what and when the Toys For Tots were due.
  2. My favorite part of this project was getting all the toys together and finding different things to include in the picture. I like my elves idea and I like how everything was laid out!
  3. I would have done a couple of things different in this project, mostly I would have put the elves more hidden under neath the presents. Another thing I would have changed is my writing, I could have made my words stick out more.
  4. I learned how to make a poster out of a different variety of different images. I have learned how magazines put two different people together when they were not really together. Its kind of cool, if you ask me.

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