Friday, December 4, 2009

My photo

  1. In this project we were asked to take our picture and add a background as if we were in the picture. We had to add filters and play around with the things we have learned, also include a shading to make it look 3D.
  2. My favorite part of this project was that fact it was something I was interested in. It was not something I was forced to create. I enjoyed the fact that I was putting my face on someone else body. I loved the way it turned out!
  3. If I would have done something different I would have picked a easier picture to work with. Even though it was a fun project, it was also very difficult. All in all I would have not changed anything.
  4. I learned a lot with this project, I learned how take my self out of a picture and apply it to another picture. I learned how to apply lightening filters, play around with different effects, layers and colors.

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